ACtivities in the parish
CAFÉ St paul’s
On a Thursday, between 10am and 2pm, on Ashby’s Market Day, a café is run in the Hall adjacent to St Paul’s Church. Staffed by volunteers the café serves tea, coffee, homemade cakes and toasted teacakes and twice a month ‘bacon butties’ and other specials. The café is somewhere to come to escape the busyness of the day and spend time in conversation with family, friends and neighbours. There is also a ‘bring and buy’ stall offering a variety of goods.
wednesday welcome - Riddings
Between 1.30pm and 3.30pm on a Wednesday tea/coffee and cake is served at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Anybody is welcome, young and old alike, to drop in for a drink (and cake), a chat or to find a quiet space for a while.
st peter’s bell ringers
St Peter’s Church has a collection of 6 bells and an enthusiastic group of several members (including younger ones who are keen to learn) who meet for practice on a Tuesday evening from 7.30pm. The bells are rung for Sunday morning and other special services/commemorations and are available for weddings.
Anybody interested in ringing at St Peter’s Bottesford (including visiting bands of ringers) is welcome to do so and should contact the Parish Office or one of the clergy to find out more.
church rocks
“fun for children of all ages with their grown-ups”
On the second Sunday of the month at St Peter’s, Bottesford this hour long time of worship and activities is for young families. There is a craft activity on arrival, before a short act of worship usually comprising of a story/presentation, song and prayer followed by a choice of activities including colouring, lego, labyrinth and other interactive stations. The session is finished by sharing a simple meal together.
9th October, 13th November, 11th December 2022
This group meets once a fortnight at 2pm on a Tuesday afternoon. The gathering takes place in somebody’s home where people come together for chat and company while working on their own project (knitting, sewing, crocheting, cross-stitch etc) or sometimes a joint one. Please check the calendar for dates and venue.
For further information about any of these groups or activities please contact the Parish Office or one of the clergy.
A full English breakfast is served, usually on the third Saturday in the month (please check the calendar for exact dates) in the Small Hall at St Paul’s Church in Ashby. Starting to eat at 9am and finishing at 10am this is an opportunity for men to get together and have conversation on wide ranging issues and sometimes the opportunity to listen to a short talk. If you are interested in finding out more please ring the Rector, Kevin, on 01724 852079